Black marking with a marking laser

The future of industrial marking
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Marking lasers in modern productio

In the modern manufacturing industry, accurate and permanent marking of products is essential. One of the most innovative methods of achieving this is black labeling with a laser marking system.

What is black labeling?

Black marking with a marking laser, also known as black marking, is a process for creating deep dark and high-contrast markings on materials such as stainless steel and aluminum. This technique is often used in industry to create permanent and corrosion-resistant markings that are irreversible even under heavy use and frequent cleaning or sterilization processes.

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How does black labeling work?

Black marking is based on a physical process known as laser-induced surface modification (LISM). In this process, a pulsed marking laser is directed at the metal with high energy, which changes the structure and optical properties of the surface. The laser radiation creates a thin layer of nanostructures that absorb the light and produce a black color. No pigment or dye is applied, only the surface is modified.


A key advantage of this process is that the mechanical structure of the surface is not changed, which preserves the integrity of the material.

What are the advantages of black lettering?

Black marking offers a number of advantages over conventional marking methods such as inkjet printing, pad printing or etching. These include


  • High contrast and legibility: the black markings stand out clearly from the metallic surface and are clearly visible even from a distance or in poor lighting conditions. They can also display fine details such as barcodes, QR codes, logos or text.
  • Durability and resistance: The markings are firmly bonded to the metal and cannot be wiped off, scratched off or faded. They are also resistant to corrosion, abrasion, temperature fluctuations, chemicals and UV radiation. They therefore meet the high requirements for traceability and product quality in the industry.
  • Environmentally friendly and economical: The markings are produced without the addition of dyes, pigments or chemicals that can be harmful to the environment or health. They also avoid waste, as no material has to be removed or disposed of. The marking lasers are also energy-efficient and low-maintenance, which reduces operating costs.

For which applications is black lettering suitable

Black marking is suitable for a wide range of applications in various industrial sectors where metals need to be marked. These include, for example:


  • Automotive industry: Black marking can be used to identify vehicle parts such as engines, gearboxes, brakes, bodies or rims. The markings can contain information such as serial numbers, type plates, test marks or warnings.
  • Medical technology: Black lettering can be used to mark medical devices such as implants, instruments, prostheses or endoscopes. The markings can contain information such as manufacturer, batch number, expiry date or patient data.
  • Electronics industry: Black marking can be used to mark electronic components such as circuit boards, sensors, switches or plugs. The markings can contain information such as product code, specifications, functions or circuit diagrams

How can black marking be carried out with a marking laser?

To perform black marking with a marking laser, you need the following components:


  • A marking laser that is suitable for marking metals. The laser should have a high pulse energy, a short pulse duration and a high repetition rate to enable fast and precise marking.
  • Software that allows you to set the marking parameters such as laser power, pulse frequency, scanning speed, marking distance and marking size. The software should also have a user interface that allows you to create or import the marking data such as text, graphics, barcodes or QR codes.
  • Focusing optics that focus the laser beam on the desired marking area. The focusing optics should have a high resolution and low distortion to ensure high marking quality.
  • A mechanical device that brings the workpiece to be marked into the correct position. The mechanical device should have high precision and high repeatability to ensure uniform marking.


Black marking with a marking laser is an innovative and pioneering technique that makes it possible to create permanent, high-contrast and environmentally friendly markings on metals. The markings are suitable for a wide range of industrial applications where high quality and safety standards are required.


A MOPA laser is ideal for black marking, as it enables particularly high-contrast and permanent black markings thanks to the flexible control of pulse duration and frequency. In addition to the MOPA laser, you need suitable software, precise focusing optics and a mechanical device to achieve optimum results.

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