Wordrap JustLaser 1

25 questions for...Patrick Schweighart


25 questions, 25 answers. In our JustLaser WordRap, we introduce our employees. This time Patrick Schweighart answers the questions. He is responsible for warehouse and logistics at JustLaser.


The father of a daughter is into harder-edged music, loves to spend his free time with his family and often travels to Italy for his vacations. At JustLaser, we are always able to remind him of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and marvel at his consumption of iced tea. Find out what else Patrick tells us about himself in our WordRap.


Name (first name / surname):

Patrick Schweighart

This is where I originally come from:

Originally from Salzburg, childhood and youth in the Gmunden area, moved to my first own apartment in Stadl-Paura at 18

This is where I live now:

Marchtrenk (Upper Austria)

Marital status:

Engaged, 1 daughter (born in September 2020)

With JustLaser since:

Started 12/2022 via a leasing company

Permanent position since 01/2024

Position at JustLaser:

Warehouse and logistics

What I like about my work at JustLaser,

The personal responsibility, the trust placed in me, the varied work and the family atmosphere, which is very important to me

A new day begins for me with...

getting up together with my daughter, having a leisurely breakfast with her and then taking her to kindergarten

My strengths include...

my creativity, ideas and experience with which I face challenges

My biggest weakness is...

my fiancée's food, she just cooks too well

My mother calls me...


What do I like to do in my free time?

Outings with the family, especially to zoos (Schmiding, Wels, Haag). Visiting playgrounds with my daughter to let off steam together and watching movies/series or playing on the Playstation/PC in the evening.

The next song in my playlist is...

Where The Angels Fear To Fly by Battle Beast

Favorite music genre

Rock, Hard Rock, Metal

Favorite movie/series?


The last book I read...

Raven moon

Last vacation destination?

Cesenatico, Italy

Dream destination?

Japan, especially Tokyo - Shibuya and Kyoto

Favorite dish?

Pizza Salami

At the bar I order...

As a driver Coke, otherwise Vodka-Redbull

I am a fan of...

Summer, sun and outdoor pool/sea

This is my favorite sport...

Cycling when I find the time

On a desert island I take with me...

my family, a good mood, tools, fishing equipment and ways to prepare water for total relaxation

In 20 years I will be...

often traveling with my family